In 2015, the action plan "Regional plan for area and transport in Oslo and Akershus" was adopted by the Oslo City Council and Akershus County Council, and approved by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The goal was to create a common system fo

Plan og bygningsetaten

Editorial design, Report
 In 2015, the action plan "Regional plan for area and transport in Oslo and Akershus" was adopted by the Oslo City Council and Akershus County Council, and approved by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The goal was to create a common system fo

In 2015, the action plan "Regional plan for area and transport in Oslo and Akershus" was adopted by the Oslo City Council and Akershus County Council, and approved by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The goal was to create a common system for measuring whether municipal development is in line with current strategies. The system is coordinated with established indicator systems that show examples of area accounts, traffic data and growth and development. The action plan has a number of main and sub-objectives that will be achieved through several area and transport planning strategies.

"Area and transport indicators in Oslo and Akershus" show developments in Oslo and Akershus since 2015 and the progress of the various targets set. It is the task of The Department of Planning and Building to plan, develop and maintain the municipalities' cities and towns, and it is those who are responsible for this report.

 Project done with Infokraft. Illustration by Infokraft / Terje Tønnessen.

Project done with Infokraft. Illustration by Infokraft / Terje Tønnessen.